Monday, May 31, 2010

connect to web

owh...thankz god.... i'm so happy today..
web univ already to connect

bad night

this night i already wait web university but "UNable to CONNECT"
huff >,< hm.... i just pray for god...

i'm so tired

Today i confussseeeee......
i regis in university OL but web troble..
bad mood...
now i must waitting web's univ already conneecctt...
hufff tired
i'm wait web conneecccct n i eat my lollipop...

(=>_<=) Today iam Bad moooddd

Saturday, May 29, 2010

staurday is bad mood day

just doing read my book n search program in google.... i make my new blog .... because my first blog very boring.. wakakakak (=^.^=) LOL
in this mounth i'm waitting test fo collage....
hm.... just study,,study,,,study..

it's so boring ....but i must do it...